Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Lewis is turning 5 in October and just loves his little brother!


The Candid Bandit said...

It was only ~yesterday~ (cue memory music) that Lewis was this big!

They both look gorgeous.

Where did they get those stunning pouty lips from?

Jes said...

I believe the lips are from Aunty Leisa (Ben's 17 year old sister).

I know, it was nearly 5 years ago to be exact - and i still have Lewy's baby photos on the fridge (sad i know - i will be updating the old fridge soon)

The Candid Bandit said...

Poor ol' fridge! I'm trying to buy photo frames with every new batch of pictures that I get printed. Eventually I might be able to have a picture wall. (one day?)

Lucky Aunty Lisa by the way. They're gorgeous!