Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ginger 'Nut'

Riley is mad on biscuits now. Here he is eating an arrowroot bickie - he doesn't leave much of these ones behind. Below is the fun with a ginger nut bickie - they are so messy, but we love'em!


The Candid Bandit said...


They make such a mess with those!

He looks cute as!

Hayley said...


Mint Slices are GREAT photo material as well...but maybe we shouldn't get them addicted to chocolate that young...we can't keep a packet in the fridge now without Lucas helping himself! LOL

Looks like the family reunion is a go-er, it's just down to the planning now, it's going to be GREAT! (and too far away, maybe we can have a mini - westies - get together before the whole family one)

Love Hayley

The Candid Bandit said...

Jesssa belllllllaaaaa, how is everyone? How's the boys? Has Lew been soccering or riding his motorbike?

I'd love to see more pics.


Jen said...

Have you got any more piccies to post?

Jes said...

yeah, more to come...

I need about 36 hours in my day - cant find time to do anything these days LOL.

Will put some on today - need to get them off the camera first.

Jen said...

Can't wait Jezabella!