Friday, December 01, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Hi, I am home! Got home on Wednesday. Ben and the kids picked me up from Dubbo at about 9:30am and we went and spent some 'Birthday Eve' time with Jen. My birthday was yesterday and I had a lovely time at home with the boys. I will put a pic of the kids on soon - Jen, have you got a scanner? If you do, can you scan the Pre-School pic of Lewis and email it to me?


Jen said...

Welcome home! It was so great to see you the other day. I hope you enjoyed your birthday at home with Ben & the kids!

The Candid Bandit said...

Welcome home!

Kimberley-Pin said...

WA is missing you already Jess !!!

Kimberley-Pin said...

WA is missing you already Jess !!!

Kimberley-Pin said...

Oh God, I swear I didn't send that twice...!!!