Sunday, December 31, 2006

Friday, December 22, 2006

Ok, ok

Pre-School Christmas Concert

Lewis had his Christmas concert on Tuesday night - his group sang Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer (Lewis did not open his mouth or do any movements - apparently too shy)

This is all of the Pre-School'ers (Lewis is on the left with the red shirt on)

This is Lewis collecting his 'Pre-School Diploma'

I will post some more pics later.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Family Photos

We had family pics taken today - here is one of the boys.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Hi, I am home! Got home on Wednesday. Ben and the kids picked me up from Dubbo at about 9:30am and we went and spent some 'Birthday Eve' time with Jen. My birthday was yesterday and I had a lovely time at home with the boys. I will put a pic of the kids on soon - Jen, have you got a scanner? If you do, can you scan the Pre-School pic of Lewis and email it to me?

Friday, November 24, 2006


This is a recent arial of the mine. You can see the village on the right-hand-side and i work on the far-left-hand-side of the mine.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Some Photos

This is the dining room (not too shabby)
This is the gym (not used it yet)

This is the village area (see pool in background)

Here is an arial photo of the village. This is an old photo - the village is much bigger. My room is up in the top right hand corner.

Here I to enlarge

Friday, November 17, 2006

Hello From.....Somewhere in W.A

Hi, I am doing fine. The mine site is ok, the village is pretty cool - it has a gym, tennis court, bar, swimming pool, bistro (which looks like a sizzlers) pretty nice spot - real bush-like.

I work 12 hour days (up at 4:30am) go for breakfast, catch the bus to work at 5:30am, catch the bus home at 5:30pm, have dinner, ring ben from a pay phone, then head back to my room and generally asleep by 7-8pm.

2 weeks to go, I will be flying home on Thursday 30th November (great birthday hu?) but I get to see my boys, so that is a good trade off.

Lack of communication up until now. My mobile is with Optus and wouldnt you know...Telstra mobiles work out here! I havent been set up with a computer yet, so no email etc. My boss left today to go to Perth, so I jumped on his computer and here I am.

I have been busting to go to the gym, but dont have enough hours in the day! I wake at 4:30am, which is 7:30am NSW time and finish work at 5:30pm, which is 8:30pm NSW time, so by the time i have dinner and head back to my room, it is so late and my eyes are hanging out of my head.

Food is good, weather is hot, missing everyone.

Take care now


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Urquhart Family - Out of Action!

Hi, just to let you know, between the dates of 13th November 2006 3rd December 2006 I will be away and wont be able to update with pictures. Keep checking in though...I might add bits and pieces - but definately will put pics of the kids on when I return.
Keep yourselves and families safe and I will talk to you soon.

Friday, October 27, 2006

5th Birthday Party

Ben leading a game of "What's the time Mr. Wolf"

Lewis & the cake.

Riley in an outfit that Aunty Helen sent over for him!

The boys flooded the house on Friday night - sitting on the drain in the shower!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Day in The Park & Scooby Doo?

I drive past this every day... thought I might stop and get a pic.

Riley having fun all by himself...I wasnt too far away incase he fell :)

Would you belive we saw Scooby-Doo's van parked out the front of the park?
Check out what was written on the back... Classic!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

Harry Potter

Lewis's First Dress Up Party
We went to a 5th birthday costume party yesterday and all Lewis wanted to go as was...Harry Potter!

Here are some pictures of Riley - cant keep this one inside!

Having a play in the kitchen sink.

First lolly-pop.

Brothers - Awwwww.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Lewis mucking around with digital camera!

(no mostache is not real LOL)

Riley is trying to walk...argh!!!!

Will post some 'action' photos soon.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Riley & Bradman

2 Sick Little Boys

The boys have been sick the last couple of weeks!

They are better now, by the way.


Lewis had his bike-a-thon today!

Riley loved watching - he had so much fun!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ginger 'Nut'

Riley is mad on biscuits now. Here he is eating an arrowroot bickie - he doesn't leave much of these ones behind. Below is the fun with a ginger nut bickie - they are so messy, but we love'em!

Friday, July 14, 2006

My Boys

I just love dressing the kids up! (kinda wish sometimes that i had a daughter as well).

I put Riley in a pair of cute little joggers with his jeans the other day, but they didn't last long on! Ohh well, they looked pretty cute.

Riley gets around heaps now in his walker - starting to reach things easily - have to baby proof a bit more this weekend!

Last but not least - the big man is sitting up for longer and longer now. Wont be long before he is all grown up *tear*

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Lewis is turning 5 in October and just loves his little brother!

Riley's Christening

Here are some photos of Riley's christening on the 1-7-06, he was 6 months and 1 day old!
The first photo is the most recent one taken of riley a few days ago.
The next photo was him having fun with Dad, while Mum looked on.
The last photo was him having a snooze in the pram afterwards in his suit!

Still havent figured this out very well yet (photos kept going to the top :)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Urquhart Family

Hi from all of us here in Cobar

I thought we might jump on the 'band wagon' as well and let you all know what we have been up to!
I love reading everyones blog's!
So busy at the moment, and have no idea how to do this, so i will see how i go!